Gamma Chi Omega

History of Gamma Chi Omega Chapter, Morgantown, West Virginia

LEFT: A preview of the Gamma Chi Omega Chapter history page from the upcoming Alpha Kappa Alpha Chapter History Book
RIGHT: Article from the December 1944 issue of The Ivy Leaf, the official publication of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®, announcing the chartering of Gamma Chi Omega Chapter.

LEFT: The members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® pose for a picture at a banquet sponsored by Gamma Chi Omega Chapter. Picture courtesy of the West Virginia and Regional History Center
RIGHT: Gamma Chi Omega members celebrate Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® Founders' Day in 1959. Pictured (l to r): Thomasina Daugherty, Veva Irvine, Mary Davis, Anna Foster, Helen Thomas, Bertha Johnson, Loise Price, Angie King, Corrine Davis, Naomi Boston, Maggie Powell, Theresa Nelson, Grace Waters, Victorine Louistall, Deanna Rose, Alice Coles, and Georgianna Brooks. Picture courtesy West Virginia University Libraries

LEFT: The Gamma Chi Omega Song written and composed by chapter charter member Mary Armstrong (Warfield).
Victorine Louistall Monroe Charter member of Gamma Chi Omega Chapter and the first African American woman to receive a graduate degree from West Virginia University. Victorine went on to become the first African American faculty member of West Virginia University when she was named assistant professor in the library science department in 1966.

Geraldine Belmear Member of Gamma Chi Omega from 1948-2005. The service of her two impactful careers still resonates today. She served the communities of West Virginia as a Home Demonstration Agent, becoming the first African American in the nation to be named to state leadership. After retiring from federal service she went to WVU where she helped found the Center of Black Culture and Research and establish the mentoring program for WVU's minority students known as PASSkey.